Christmas is over, now it's time to make a reflection of our actions and quoting Michael Jackson " Look at the man in the mirror and make a change..."
So, let's check some vocabulary to use:
1 - New year is celebrated in so many different ways in many countries, maybe the most famous are the city of Rio de Janeiro because of the fireworks display
which is popular all over the world and a lot of tourists come to watch it from the beach or a balcony. In Rio, people who go to the beach usually dress in white, get together with friends, drink champagne and make toast
and they say "Cheers!!!" while doing so. At the moment everybody makes their New year's resolutions and promises such as losing weight, quit smoking...But some people rather watch the fireworks on TV. And for course, as Catholic nation, many people before having fun at the parties, go to midnight mass.
2 - When people celebrate the new year's eve, they usually stay out all night and go to parties.
3 - In New York, people celebrate at Times Square, where the famous countdown is done by ball dropping:
4 - We also like to ask our friends: Where are you going to spend New year's eve? Some could say: I'm going to the beach or I'm going to stay with many family
5 - New Year Greetings:
* Feliz Ano Novo! - Happy New Year!
* Desejo-lhe um próspero ano novo! - Wishing you a prosperous New Year!
* Tudo de bom neste novo ano! - All the best for the coming year!
* Boas Festas! - Seasons Greetings!
* Boas Festas! - Happy Holidays!
* Tudo de bom neste novo ano! - All the best for the coming year!
* Boas Festas! - Seasons Greetings!
* Boas Festas! - Happy Holidays!
Algumas algumas comidas comuns das festas fim de ano:
1. French toast: Rabanada
2. Roast pork: Pernil, etc (carne de porco assada)
3. Roast turkey: peru assado
5. Codfish: bacalhau
6. Mashed potatoes: purê de batatas
7. Walnuts: nozes
8 . Mince pie: torta doce
But the most important thing is to be happy with friends and family and keep in mind that a new year means new possibilities. Happy New year!
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